Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Last night I was donzoe. lol hella tired from sky high craccen. Im in my Health Science class till 12 then im done. I had a good work out at 10-11am . Then to San Leandro with my cuscus d0oe.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I love my Family especially the cousins I never get to see. Today was a sick fuckin wid my cousins from all over cali oh yess everyday I figure out ways to keep my head up in life because my life is the shit right about now yeee! goooodnight

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First day of school was pretty sick I have class with one of my boys this semester feels like i know more people, its pretty craccen. I got to see a couple things I like today. I got lucky in parking! lol I got in the classes I wanted soo its all good. Too bad I aint got nothing to come home to after school. I get to finally drive to school shit it feels good to have to look for parking.. anyways gooodnight =)

Monday, August 17, 2009

What to say what to do when all your doing is waisting time.. I got so much to say I just dont know when the right time to say everything thats been on my mind.. but the longer I wait to say something the slimmer my chances get, cuz I know my life aint fake I just need a second to remind what it is needs to be said.